Career Update!
The news came this morning, as I was outside mowing the lawn. My mom saw it first, called the house and told Elizabeth, who delivered the news to me: it’s official. I am now a published writer somewhere other than on my own blog!
It turns out the Arizona Republic West Valley editor took an interest in my post about the Glendale Beet Sugar factory being recommissioned as a specialty vodka plant for the Scottsdale company Forward Brands LLC. The story appeared today as a guest column in the West Valley ’s local sections (Peoria , Glendale , Surprise, etc.), and appears on Check out the paper’s version of the story; it’s interesting to see what was dropped from the original post. Of course, the blog version is funnier, but hey, that’s life in the big city.
My thanks to West Valley Opinions Editor Jennifer Dokes. What must seem like an extremely modest achievement to the rest of the world is a big step forward to me as a writer.
Now, if only Huffington Post would come through on my Nazi post . . .
Anyway, just wanted to share this success and place it in the Forward Path record. Now I’m off to do what I’m sure all big time writers do on Saturday mornings – finish mowing the lawn.
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